Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Magic number, phase 1

Sorry for holding out on you all day! I was running errands after work and just got home. So we got results this morning and the magic number is...............

Holy smokes, right?! We are so excited! Fingers crossed for a reeeally good number on Thursday :) I am officially 4 weeks and 1 day pregnant today!

I have blood work Thursday, and then again next week. Ultrasound and more blood work on 2/17. I work at an OB/GYN office so I'm going to try to see if our ultrasonographer will do a quick scan on Valentine's Day, because I have a really cute idea to surprise the guys with :) 

Thank you all SO much for your good thoughts and vibes you've sent our way over the past weeks, I really appreciate it! We have such a long way to go still, but I'm so glad things are looking good.

Thanks for reading


Doug and Bill said...

This is just so incredibly cool! Being on the other side it's so fun to see you excited about creating life for another couple, especially (for us) a couple of anxious daddies like we are...congrats. Fingers crossed things move in the right direction! Thanks for sharing.

Jesse said...

SUPER number!!

Debi Koch said...

Holy cowsers! This is so excited. Blew my guess of 396 outta the water! You're such an over achiever. Ain't always a bad thing ;)

Jeni said...

Holy huge number! Congrats!

cheldi said...

SO happy about the good news and can't wait for the ultrasounds!